Shri Sadguru Samarth Dattatraya Guru Dnyan Mandir Gorai


Hansa, Brahma, Atri, Datta
Balbhima, Bhagirathi, Datta
Madhuri bows Shri Datta,
Let us bow Madhuri Datta

Above is our Great Heritage. The first two viz. Hansa and Brahma are TatvaDeha, not human beings. Maharshi Atri is the former Guru in our Heritage.

Guru Dev Datt – Dattatreya, The son and the follower of Maharshi Atri widely propagated the teachings of Maharshi Atri. You will find at Mahur in Maharashtra, DattaShikhar, Atri Ashram and Anasuya Mandir even today which were his main place of propagation. Sadguru Dattatraya propagated the theosophy all over the world. We can see Dattatreya temples everywhere.

There had been several Sadgurus from HH Dattatreya till Narayan Maharaj Jalwankar.

HH Narayan Maharaj Jalwankar propagated the theosophy in Malawa Prant. “Sapta Sagar” is the well known creation of HH Narayan Maharaj.

HH Laxman Maharaj: He hails from Indore. His stupendous contribution resulted in spreading of TRUE KNOWLEDGE all across North India.

HH Balbhim Maharaj Sadekar: He was an engineer by profession from Sadegaon. He was in search of GOD from his childhood and during the course, he met number of theosophist & Theologist and Saints of GOD. He received the TRUE KNOWLEDGE from HH Laxman Maharaj.

HH Bhagirathinath Maharaj Vaidya: She received the blessings from HH Balbhim Maharaj at Narsinghgad. She worked mainly for upliftment of poor and helpless Women.

HH Dattatraya Maharaj Cholkar: He hails from Pune. During the child hood he lost his eyesight during illness. But was blessed with sharp brilliance. He received guidance for 30 years from HH Bhagirathi Maharaj. His work spreads across Vidarabha, Pune, Madhya Pradesh.

HH Madhurinath Ballal: The TRUE knowledge river came from Datta mountain to all of us in the form of HH Madhurinath Maharaj.